PARADIGM SHIFT: CHINATOWN is now in production!

I’ve started work on a new PARADIGM SHIFT animated short! 

It’s been pretty quiet on the PARADIGM SHIFT front since Restless Sleep came out last year. In part, that’s because I was hired to create a couple of animated pieces for the Storiaverse App. But that doesn’t mean I’ve forgotten about Kate & Mike. Oh, no.

Over the last year, I’ve been laying the groundwork for a new, more ambitious project: PARADIGM SHIFT – Chinatown, which will bring the pivotal scene where Kate’s werewolf powers manifest to life in full-color animated glory! Featuring all the elements for a great action film—action-packed kung fu fights, chase scenes, a beautiful Chicago setting, a brand new soundtrack, and best of all—a full voice cast!

We’ve just launched a Kickstarter to fund the project!